Nestled within the picturesque Crescent Park, the Festival of Cross Country - the third instalment in the Lower Mainland XC Series - offered athletes the unique opportunity to test their fitness on the same course in which the BC Cross Country Championships will be held later this month.
More than 330 athletes competed across multiple age divisions, over a span of three and a half hours. 6-8 year olds took on a race of 1km, while the U16s braved the trails for 3km, while the U20, Senior and Masters athletes competed over 6km.
Let's dive into some the podium finishes.
U20/Senior/Masters (6km)
- Yemane Mulugeta - 19:30.08
- Kris Swanson - 19:42.7
- David Morrissey - 19:50.3
- Sabrina Wilkie - 22:19.9
- Robyn Poulin - 22:47.0
- Ria Gill - 23:03.3
U18 (5km)
- Samuel May - 15:55.4
- Max Holmes - 15:57.3
- Kai Martland - 16:04.2
- Maella Hodgson - 17:42.6
- Delphine Gosselin - 18:07.7
- Grace Beach - 18:27.8
U16 (3km)
- Adrianna Buitelaar - 10:34.6
- Nelle Liefsoens - 11:25.9
- Sasha Dehal - 11:26.6
For full results click here