
British Columbia Track & Field Venues and Cross Country Courses

# Location
Kamloops, BC
Maple Ridge Secondary School Maple Ridge, BC
12601 64 Ave Surrey, BC
A Location
Abbotsford Abbotsford, BC
Aldergrove Bowl Aldergrove, BC
Aldergrove Lake Park Abbotsford, BC
Apple Bowl Kelowna, BC
Arbutus Meadows Farm Nanoose Bay, BC
B Location
Bear Creek Park Surrey, BC
Beatton Provincial Park Fort St. John, BC
Beaver Lake Victoria, BC
Bob Dailey Stadium Port Alberni, BC
British Columbia , BC
C Location
Campbell Valley Park Langley,, BC
Cedar Hill Saanich, BC
Charles Hays Sec. Prince Rupert, BC
Clearbrook Park Abbotsford, BC
Clement Track Richmond, BC
Clement Track & Collier Throws Center Richmond, BC
Coquitlam , BC
Cowichan Sportsplex Duncan , BC
Crescent Park Surrey , BC
D Location
Delta Delta, BC
E Location
Everett Crowley Park Vancouver , BC
F Location
Fleetwood Park Surrey, BC
Fraser Valley Fraser Valley, BC
H Location
Hailey Park Trail, BC
Hazelton Hazelton, BC
J Location
Jack Wallace Memorial Victoria, BC
Jane and Gerry Swan Track Abbottsford, BC
Jericho Beach Vancouver, BC
K Location
Kamloops Kamloops, BC
Killarney Secondary School Vancouver, BC
Kwantlen Park Surrey, BC
L Location
Lambrick Park Victoria, BC
Langara Golf Course Vancouver , BC
Langley Langley, BC
Larch Hills Nordic Center Salmon Arm , BC
M Location
McLeod Athletic Park Running Track Langley Twp, BC
Minoru Track Richmond, BC
Mission Recreation Park Kelowna, BC
N Location
Nanaimo Nanaimo, BC
North Delta Track & Field Facility Delta, BC
O Location
Oak Bay Track Victoria, BC
P Location
Powell River , BC
Prince George Prince George, BC
Q Location
Queen Elizabeth Park XC Vancouver, BC
Quilchena Park Vancouver, BC
R Location
Rashpal Dhillon Track and Field Oval Vancouver, BC
Richmond Olympic Oval Vancouver, BC
Rotary Bowl Stadium Nanaimo , BC
S Location
Salmo Salmo, BC
Smithers , BC
South Surrey Athletic Park Surrey, BC
Surrey Bend Regional Park Surrey, BC
Swangard Stadium Burnaby, BC
T Location
Tamanawis Park Surrey, BC
Telemark X-Country Ski Area Kelowna, BC
Terry Fox Field and Track Burnaby, BC
The College of the Rockies Cranbrook, BC
The University of British Columbia Vancouver , BC
U Location
University of Victoria Victoria, BC
V Location
Vanderhoof Vanderhoof, BC
Victoria Victoria, BC
Victoria Centennial Stadium Victoria, BC