BCSS Zone XC Championships - Vancouver Sea to Sky 2024

Vancouver, BC

Athlete Entries

Boys 4000 Meter Run 380 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burkholder, Spencer St Thomas Aquinas
Helsdon, Howard Elphinstone Secondary
Nanji, Zackary St George's School
Kwon, Mateja Lions Gate Christian Academy
Moon, Tony St Thomas Aquinas
Lin, William Point Grey Secondary
Tyler, Ian St George's School
Rich, Quinn Chatelech Secondary
Andree, Mika Rockridge Secondary
CARLOS, JUDE Cousteau School
Lam Di-lorio, Ethan Handsworth Secondary
Brandt, Charles Collingwood School
Fleguel, Oliver Argyle Secondary
McCandless, James Windsor Secondary
Hsieh, Owen Vancouver College Prep
Ma, Kevin Stratford Hall
Scruton, Finn Templeton Secondary
Bent, Hudson Whistler Secondary
Leung, Caleb Howe Sound Secondary
Ryu, Edward St Thomas Aquinas
Ershad, Adrian Mulgrave School
Moon, Jonah West Point Grey Academy
Merrett, Kai Windsor Secondary
Reyes, Jace Vancouver College Prep
Demelt, Ellery Killarney Secondary
Fukasawa, Noah Carson Graham Secondary
Torki, Ariya Magee Secondary
LEE, JORDAN Eric Hamber Secondary
Malin, Anton Sentinel Secondary
Hu, Timothy West Vancouver
Ghahremani, Hafez Mulgrave School
Rostotsky, Dylan Mulgrave School
JOHNSTON, Wyatt West Point Grey Academy
Fong, Lucas Vancouver College Prep
Wong, Jean Magee Secondary
Weiss, Jayden Sutherland Secondary
Romney, Adam West Point Grey Academy
O'Flaherty Wills, Declan St Thomas Aquinas
Nelson, Malachi Elphinstone Secondary
Smith, Nathaniel Lions Gate Christian Academy
Greenfield, Milo Brockton Preparatory School
Paramonoff, Alexander Rockridge Secondary
Beck, Charles Handsworth Secondary
MILNER, Rory Collingwood School
Long, Yuri Don Ross Middle School
Saboya, Leonardo Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Millard, James Handsworth Secondary
Buckle, Edward Argyle Secondary
Wong, Aaron Lord Byng Secondary
Sajjan, Arjun Lord Byng Secondary
NGUAN, Patrick Fraser Academy
Farrell, John Seycove Secondary Community
Jamal, Tahir Windsor Secondary
Peters, Nigel Vancouver Technical Secondary
Do, Keanu Vancouver College Prep
Gruber, James West Vancouver
Mueller, Dominic Kitsilano Secondary
KLIMEK, Aiden Mulgrave School
Wilson, Eli Mulgrave School
Campbell, Samuel West Point Grey Academy
Nebel, Isaak Windsor Secondary
Feng, Michael Vancouver College Prep
George, Rhys Magee Secondary
Brett, Owen Sutherland Secondary
Lam, Trevor St Thomas Aquinas
Charters, Luke St Thomas Aquinas
Arliot, Rhythm Elphinstone Secondary
Zhang, Shane St George's School
Shin, Jaehe Lions Gate Christian Academy
Pierce, Anias Chatelech Secondary
SCACHE, ADRIEN Cousteau School
Bergerhoff, Jacob Handsworth Secondary
Cubric, Henry Collingwood School
Strajt-Bornik, Aleksander Argyle Secondary
Dabrowski, Lukasz Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Bahr, Mason Vancouver Technical Secondary
Huang, Justin Vancouver College Prep
Au, Liam Stratford Hall
Cheng, Ronnie Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Morin, Jacob Howe Sound Secondary
Viskontas, Maksimas St Thomas Aquinas
Galway, Dylan Fraser Academy
Jin, Ian Mulgrave School
Yasser, Max West Point Grey Academy
Snelling, Joshua Windsor Secondary
Haugen, Erik Vancouver College Prep
Pinfold, James Carson Graham Secondary
Ng, Matthew Magee Secondary
Bott, Calvin Sentinel Secondary
Jadavji, Akbar West Vancouver
Liu, Ted Mulgrave School
Veiel, Matthias Mulgrave School
Alexander, Jack Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
MACINTYRE, Jack West Point Grey Academy
Chow, Michael Vancouver College Prep
Carneiro, Joao Magee Secondary
ROBINSON, Nico Sutherland Secondary
Haberl, Matthew West Point Grey Academy
O'Hara, Elliott St Thomas Aquinas
Chan Skadkjaer, Alexander Brockton Preparatory School
Alconis, Weston St Thomas Aquinas
Gauvreau, Marcus St George's School
Wright, Mason Kitsilano Secondary
Fraser, Ben Handsworth Secondary
Woo, Lucas Vancouver Technical Secondary
Comeau, Alexandre Handsworth Secondary
Rodig, Felix Argyle Secondary
Elliott, William St Thomas Aquinas
Merrett, Finn Windsor Secondary
Downing, Jacob Vancouver College Prep
Yang, Luke Lord Byng Secondary
Naumenko, Dax Fraser Academy
Munn Gotto, Sawyer Whistler Secondary
Clarke, Griffin Howe Sound Secondary
Litarge, Anton St Thomas Aquinas
Hungr Gonzalez, Simon West Vancouver
NESLON, Teddy Mulgrave School
Zhang, Matthew Mulgrave School
TEMPLETON, Jack West Point Grey Academy
PARK, Miles Windsor Secondary
Azad, Elias Carson Graham Secondary
Chien, Rubio Magee Secondary
Jeske, William Sutherland Secondary
Lin, Kinglsey West Point Grey Academy
Li, Jim Lord Byng Secondary
Kingi, Tai West Vancouver
Cuenca, Jules Kitsilano Secondary
Lo, TJ West Point Grey Academy
De Bonnieres de Wierre, Wandrille St Thomas Aquinas
Reznick, Peter Elphinstone Secondary
Chuang, Henry St George's School
Friesen, Hiroki Lions Gate Christian Academy
Mindell, Essi St George's School
Chow, Aidan Rockridge Secondary
Arduini, Brendan Cousteau School
Brown, Carlin Handsworth Secondary
Dai, Jinheng Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Ho Jayden Lee, Chiu Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Tran, Gabriel Vancouver College Prep
Chen, Bryan Lord Byng Secondary
Tong, Matthew Stratford Hall
Zibert, Xavier St Thomas Aquinas
Nolde, Leonard University Hill Secondary
Lundin, Cooper Fraser Academy
Hutchinson, Brendan Seycove Secondary Community
Ladewig, Lachlan Mulgrave School
Dykstra, Rafe Windsor Secondary
Lau, Nicholas Vancouver College Prep
Salimian, Danoosh Carson Graham Secondary
Anagnostopoulos, Valentino Sentinel Secondary
Quelch, Graeme West Vancouver
Alghouti, Adam Mulgrave School
Liu, Yuanchen Mulgrave School
Chahal, Armaan Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
BARKER, Ryan West Point Grey Academy
Wong, Kayden Vancouver College Prep
Yeh, Max Magee Secondary
Pienaar, Rueben Sutherland Secondary
Hawkins, Ethan West Point Grey Academy
Riedel, Lucas St Thomas Aquinas
Sparrow, Eli Brockton Preparatory School
Miller, Sam St George's School
Johnston, Joshua Handsworth Secondary
Patchell, Jackson St Thomas Aquinas
Rodig, Florian Argyle Secondary
Suchy, Yannick Windsor Secondary
Lo, Jarred Vancouver College Prep
Zhao, Tiger Lord Byng Secondary
Au, Jacob Stratford Hall
Wilton, Rowan Fraser Academy
Harder, Aaron Whistler Secondary
Lazaridis, Theodore Howe Sound Secondary
McGeachie, Jeremy St Thomas Aquinas
Peter, Oliver West Vancouver
HE, Harris Mulgrave School
Chan, Julian Mulgrave School
EDGAR, Peter West Point Grey Academy
Patterson, Tristan Windsor Secondary
Borgfjord, Corbin Carson Graham Secondary
Wu, Chaky Magee Secondary
WAGNER, Luke West Point Grey Academy
Gitt, Wyatt West Vancouver
Daws, Fletcher Mulgrave School
Lam, Preston Magee Secondary
Gumabao, Dwyze St Thomas Aquinas
Payerle, Beckett Elphinstone Secondary
Hsi, Kyle St George's School
Kim, Ian Lions Gate Christian Academy
Almering, Aidan St Thomas Aquinas
Finley, Rhys Rockridge Secondary
Gibbs, Jasper Cousteau School
Sigston, Charles Handsworth Secondary
Railton, Tyler Collingwood School
Dimas, Rai Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Moreno, Allen Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Tran, Xavier Vancouver College Prep
Runzer, Matthew Handsworth Secondary
Chowne, Adam Argyle Secondary
Pan, Luca Lord Byng Secondary
Clegg, Kalem Don Ross Middle School
Farzanfar, Ramtin St Thomas Aquinas
Wang, Scott University Hill Secondary
Vincent, Kian Fraser Academy
Harsch, Sebastian Seycove Secondary Community
STEVENSON, Ruedi Howe Sound Secondary
Hollingworth, Kaden Windsor Secondary
Chow, Matthew Vancouver College Prep
Tanfara, Alex Sentinel Secondary
Cameron, William West Vancouver
Hoegg, Chase (C.J Mulgrave School
Ronald Jones, Harry Mulgrave School
Mickelson, Tate West Point Grey Academy
Keats, Kelly Vancouver College Prep
Sun, Aaron Magee Secondary
Anderson, Cole Sutherland Secondary
Wang, Kevin West Point Grey Academy
Tabatabaee, Rodee St Thomas Aquinas
Gibson, Ben 14:37.60 Point Grey Secondary
Ma, Gabriel 14:42.10 Killarney Secondary
Hemstead, Casey 14:42.70 Handsworth Secondary
Sandell, Magnus 14:42.80 Howe Sound Secondary
Adkins, Nathan 14:47.10 Lord Byng Secondary
Kim, Eames 14:54.20 Handsworth Secondary
Velazquez Marin, Santiago 15:09.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Drew, Dylan 15:10.90 Point Grey Secondary
Law, Max 15:12.10 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Law, Logan 15:20.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Kolkea, Oliver 15:20.70 West Vancouver
Cloutier, Leo 15:20.70 Kitsilano Secondary
O'DONNELL, Carter 15:22.40 Prince of Wales Secondary
McCutcheon, Simon 15:37.10 Point Grey Secondary
La Pica, Massimo 15:46.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Taguchi, Hozumi 15:46.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Curtain, Rylan 15:49.10 Windermere Community Secondary
Austin, Leighton 15:49.70 West Point Grey Academy
Kirker, Declan 15:50.50 St George's School
Campbell, Matthew 15:50.60 West Point Grey Academy
Coleman, Quinn 15:51.20 Windsor Secondary
Durden, Jensen 15:55.10 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Rucchin, Cyrus 16:01.00 West Point Grey Academy
Ko, Preston 16:01.00 Point Grey Secondary
Andaya, MJ 16:01.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Kerr, James 16:02.90 Kitsilano Secondary
Lam, Michael 16:04.10 Prince of Wales Secondary
Holt, Everett 16:06.80 Kitsilano Secondary
Wong, Joshua 16:07.90 St Thomas Aquinas
Duran, Max 16:12.30 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Stockwell, Julian 16:19.60 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Chan, Kase 16:19.70 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Huh, Joshua 16:22.90 Vancouver College Prep
Carroll, Coll 16:25.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Lum, Caleb 16:25.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Martindale, John 16:26.70 West Point Grey Academy
Dinsdale, Hayden 16:28.10 University Hill Secondary
Hildebrand, Vincent 16:29.10 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Jones, Finnian 16:31.20 Collingwood School
Au-yeung, Cameron 16:34.20 Killarney Secondary
Ling Ma, Kai 16:39.20 University Hill Secondary
Tomic, Carden 16:45.60 St Thomas Aquinas
Watkins, Jackson 16:47.10 St Thomas Aquinas
Sorochan, Thomas 16:48.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Dai, Jack 16:49.30 St George's School
Tan, Ashton 16:54.10 Eric Hamber Secondary
Cojocscurt, Lucian 16:56.60 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Howard, Ryan 16:59.60 West Point Grey Academy
Lea, Ethan 17:08.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Kliber-Pissavin, Thomas 17:26.70 Vancouver College Prep
Ma, Jordan 17:28.60 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Leung, Asher 17:40.30 Eric Hamber Secondary
Stelling, Jason 17:42.30 Point Grey Secondary
Gallivan, Simon 17:50.10 Killarney Secondary
Rigby, Matthew 17:51.30 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Liang, Baron 17:51.80 St George's School
Weng, Max 17:53.10 Point Grey Secondary
Kuruez, Keaton 17:58.80 Prince of Wales Secondary
McCurley, Tycko 17:59.20 Lord Byng Secondary
Jerome, Jack 17:59.60 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Holmes, Elliot 18:00.10 University Hill Secondary
Chung, Cameron 18:01.90 Kitsilano Secondary
Zimmermann, Luca 18:05.40 Templeton Secondary
Weng, Oliver 18:16.70 Lord Byng Secondary
Logan, James 18:17.10 Lord Byng Secondary
Bayliss, Eli 18:20.90 Kitsilano Secondary
Tucker, Zak 18:28.70 Eric Hamber Secondary
Chan, Curtis 18:40.10 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Cheng, Benjamin 18:40.40 Eric Hamber Secondary
Ho, Cyrus 18:41.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Roussel, Matteo 18:51.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Steel, Francis 18:54.10 University Hill Secondary
Zhao, Allen 18:56.10 University Hill Secondary
Steel, Patrick 19:05.60 University Hill Secondary
Conrad, Riley 19:06.30 Lord Byng Secondary
Muller, Lincoln 19:07.60 Point Grey Secondary
Mukai, Soma 19:08.20 Prince of Wales Secondary
Lee, Jim 19:10.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Bartlett, Owen 19:17.70 Gladstone Secondary
Chan, Clayton 19:18.90 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Crocker, Brennen 19:19.50 Templeton Secondary
Lim, Raymond 19:22.50 Point Grey Secondary
Higgs, Aidan 19:24.90 Templeton Secondary
Abou Albourhel, Ahmad 19:33.30 Britannia Community Secondary
Castellan, Loic 19:42.20 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Rodriguez, Demian 19:42.90 Britannia Community Secondary
Cline, Finley 19:46.20 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Koulyras, Alex 19:49.20 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Wong, Aldan 19:56.50 Gladstone Secondary
Ruiz, Benjamin 19:57.50 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Liang, Qizhang(Nat) 19:59.90 University Hill Secondary
WERNER, Graham 20:00.50 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Musika, Kyle 20:02.90 Kitsilano Secondary
Gillieson-Ashdown, Leo 20:03.60 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Lamb, Henry 20:14.00 Kitsilano Secondary
Liao, Justin 20:17.00 Point Grey Secondary
Wong, Noah 20:19.50 Eric Hamber Secondary
Reimer, Charlie 20:20.60 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Cheung, Alex 20:21.60 Kitsilano Secondary
Seftel, Leo 20:24.30 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Leung, Kaden 20:27.50 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Wilkinson, Darve 20:30.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Jordan, Stephen 20:30.40 Point Grey Secondary
Huguet, Max 20:34.50 Lord Byng Secondary
Bell, Max 20:36.40 Templeton Secondary
Lee, Maddox 20:39.20 Eric Hamber Secondary
Li, Tianyou 20:39.50 Kitsilano Secondary
Schulz, Tyson 20:41.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Wang, Yixuan (George) 20:43.30 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Fajardo, Luka 20:46.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Zhang, Walter 20:47.10 Lord Byng Secondary
Marter, Louis 20:53.20 Eric Hamber Secondary
Waterman, Joshua 20:54.51 Eric Hamber Secondary
Markoc, Nico 20:55.00 Point Grey Secondary
Karasick, Brennen 20:56.60 John Oliver
Wu, Richard 21:00.10 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Bae, Kimin 21:09.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Kerfoot, Charlie 21:16.10 Point Grey Secondary
Durman, Tyler 21:18.10 Britannia Community Secondary
Lee, Hyson 21:19.10 Lord Byng Secondary
Bennett, Christopher 21:20.30 Lord Byng Secondary
Yang, Jeffrey 21:25.40 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Mossman, Fraser 21:27.70 Templeton Secondary
Kwan, Ethan 21:40.90 Eric Hamber Secondary
Ying, Leo 21:44.50 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Chan, Damon 22:01.10 Lord Byng Secondary
Clark, Sam 22:10.80 Point Grey Secondary
Kam, Anthony 22:16.80 Point Grey Secondary
Kaguyutan, Mako 22:21.40 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Slawson, Daniel 22:26.40 Windermere Community Secondary
Bell, Lukas 22:29.50 Templeton Secondary
Markham, Elliot 22:32.60 Kitsilano Secondary
Bakour, Kher 22:40.20 Britannia Community Secondary
Wood, Noah 22:50.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Dixon-Noble McRae, Ataya 22:53.00 Templeton Secondary
Tsoi, Cameron 22:57.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Tham, Skyler 23:04.90 University Hill Secondary
Moore, Ayden 23:38.70 Kitsilano Secondary
Emmett, Callison 23:46.30 Eric Hamber Secondary
Wu, Austin 23:53.00 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Jang, Nolan 24:00.70 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Yu, Albert 24:03.90 Point Grey Secondary
Wong, Maxwell 24:04.40 Prince of Wales Secondary
Liu, Peter 24:05.60 Prince of Wales Secondary
Radhakrishnan, Arun 24:16.20 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Salvo, Mazyne 24:17.40 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Wang, Haoming 25:01.90 Point Grey Secondary
Parades, Diego 25:05.10 Eric Hamber Secondary
Wong, Colin 25:06.40 Eric Hamber Secondary
Cheung, Gabriel 25:11.50 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Fang, Sam 25:22.60 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Steininger, Felix 25:24.60 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Collet, Benjamin 26:30.40 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Alex) Yuan, Haoxiang 26:44.50 University Hill Secondary
Ma, Sam 27:19.20 Point Grey Secondary
Barragon, Nathaniel 29:44.50 Britannia Community Secondary
Ning, Bryan 29:44.80 Eric Hamber Secondary
Powell, Ilya 32:10.60 Britannia Community Secondary
Mar, Nathaniel 34:47.80 Eric Hamber Secondary
Chau, Neil 36:02.70 Prince of Wales Secondary
Wang, Dennis 36:10.80 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 212 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horton, Kian Sutherland Secondary
Elvin-Jensen, Bjorn Rockridge Secondary
Vego, Emilio Magee Secondary
Dun, Akira Sutherland Secondary
Craig, Nikko John Oliver
Burton, Damon West Point Grey Academy
Cecconi, Andrea Rockridge Secondary
Thomson-Whike, Peter Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Vicentini, Sebastiano Seycove Secondary Community
Woodman, Cooper Sutherland Secondary
Hong, Leon Point Grey Secondary
Wolfe, Quinn John Oliver
Sixtos, Gael Magee Secondary
Spirito, Lorenzo Sutherland Secondary
Lofgren, Raine Rockridge Secondary
Said, Daniel Point Grey Secondary
Brown, Judah John Oliver
Sixtos, Joel Magee Secondary
Bakour, Zakaria Britannia Community Secondary
Neill, Andrew 15:52.90 West Point Grey Academy
Stockwell, Nico 15:56.28 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Jones, Cy 15:57.94 Kitsilano Secondary
Doughty, James 15:58.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Amos, Jacob 16:24.10 Killarney Secondary
Van Dijk, Oliver 16:25.10 West Vancouver
Timko, Cole 16:39.60 West Point Grey Academy
Klassen, Dixon 16:45.70 Killarney Secondary
Smith, Benjamin 16:59.00 Templeton Secondary
Harris, Jack 17:06.20 Point Grey Secondary
Blomerus, Spencer 17:10.00 West Point Grey Academy
Damm, Alexander 17:10.47 Kitsilano Secondary
Haime, Camron 17:15.70 University Hill Secondary
Campbell, Ben 17:42.60 West Point Grey Academy
George, Kevin 17:49.40 West Point Grey Academy
Murton, Nick 17:50.73 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Chiu, Josh 17:53.10 Killarney Secondary
Gibson, Tommy 17:54.00 West Point Grey Academy
Williams, Oscar 18:00.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Juric, Luka 18:07.10 Killarney Secondary
Seabrook, Tyson 18:08.40 Chatelech Secondary
Beese, Austin 18:13.00 Vancouver College Prep
TURRIFF-PIKE, Sawyer 18:32.70 West Point Grey Academy
Patterson, Dylan 18:40.40 Windsor Secondary
Thiel, Benjamin 18:49.70 West Vancouver
House, Sloan 18:54.73 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Nebel, Elias 18:56.00 Windsor Secondary
FRASER, Addison 19:01.10 Handsworth Secondary
Thibodeau, Lou 19:03.10 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Boffa, Nico 19:05.80 Eric Hamber Secondary
GITT, Lucas 19:10.00 Sentinel Secondary
DiGiuseppe, Ben 19:16.50 Killarney Secondary
Dabbs, Miller 19:22.40 West Point Grey Academy
Millard, William 19:24.90 Handsworth Secondary
Jiang, Raymond 19:36.14 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Ferguson, Bennett 19:37.00 St George's School
Nystrom, Sam 19:37.00 Gladstone Secondary
LeRudulier, Eliot 19:48.30 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Chohan, Graham 19:50.30 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
SZETO, Riley 19:54.00 West Vancouver
McPherson, Alan 20:01.20 Point Grey Secondary
Tudorie, Lukas 20:02.30 St John's School
CHIN, Wing Fai 20:08.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Karu, Uku 20:09.00 University Hill Secondary
Anderson-Francois, Viv 20:09.30 St John's School
Pham, Nhan 20:26.35 Lord Byng Secondary
Tam, Kyle 20:35.60 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Ding, Justin 20:37.00 West Vancouver
Richards, Cadel 20:44.36 Kitsilano Secondary
Gerlach, Hanno 21:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Devlin, Chase 21:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Li, Joshua 21:00.08 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Katevatis, Samuel 21:02.00 West Vancouver
VANDERVEEN, Gideon 21:13.80 Vancouver Christian
Yu, Andy 21:14.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Burgers, Nicholas 21:21.78 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Chen, Kelvin 21:24.64 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Zhou, Paul 21:49.60 Eric Hamber Secondary
Bakour, Zakariya 21:56.00 Britannia Community Secondary
MOON, Matthew 21:57.70 Vancouver Christian
Wang, Austin 22:05.00 Vancouver College Prep
Young, Finley 22:05.90 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Coffin, Matt 22:07.90 Windsor Secondary
Gilchrist, Liam 22:11.00 Seycove Secondary Community
McCurley, Aaron 22:20.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Nguyen, Josh 22:36.40 Killarney Secondary
Romney, Benjamin 22:37.00 West Point Grey Academy
Hilali, Muhammed 22:44.20 John Oliver
Lee, Webber 22:45.00 West Point Grey Academy
Cheng, Matthias 22:54.80 Vancouver Christian
Neill, Oscar 22:57.70 Killarney Secondary
Leong, Aiden 23:01.40 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Chen, Acton 23:09.50 Point Grey Secondary
CHEN, Ranen 23:10.00 Vancouver Christian
Yu, Barry 23:11.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Zhang, Raymond 23:16.00 Sentinel Secondary
ZHOU, Samuel 23:22.00 Vancouver Christian
Skinder, Joseph 23:33.03 Magee Secondary
Ma, Bryan 23:35.00 University Hill Secondary
Klein, Declan 23:35.00 Vancouver College Prep
Suriyamas, IP 23:47.90 Britannia Community Secondary
Chen, Kejin 23:50.60 University Hill Secondary
Zhang, Michael 24:02.50 John Oliver
AMADO, DYLAN 24:49.70 Eric Hamber Secondary
Cui, Howard 24:54.40 Killarney Secondary
Dong, Dallas 25:22.32 Killarney Secondary
Roosa, Tossan 25:24.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Tang, Gideon 25:38.00 Vancouver Christian
Keeler Smith, Rhys 25:48.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Joy, William 25:53.80 Point Grey Secondary
Kennedy, Jack 26:01.10 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Vega, Eliel 26:11.80 Britannia Community Secondary
Yuan, Victor 26:43.27 University Hill Secondary
Wang, Ben 27:05.30 University Hill Secondary
Deng, Benny 27:21.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Erfle, William 28:02.60 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Han, Tony 28:10.20 University Hill Secondary
Siu, Soan 29:30.80 Killarney Secondary
Li, Kevin 29:57.69 Eric Hamber Secondary
Vlcek, Eda 30:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Shayegan, Homan 30:14.00 Rockridge Secondary
Wong, Tyson 30:25.01 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Duan, Michael 35:28.80 University Hill Secondary
Shum, Carston 45:00.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Chu, Hugo 45:00.00 Sentinel Secondary
Pong, Hoching 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Reimer, Titus 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Zhuang, DiDi 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Monteith, Mac 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Calderon, Gabe 45:00.00 Seycove Secondary Community
Rychtarik, Martin 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Rooney, Max 45:00.00 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Kuruez, Keaton 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Gurd, Trevor 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Chan, Kody 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Chadha, Rohan 45:00.00 St John's School
VANDERVEEN, Levi 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Liu, Aaron 45:00.00 University Hill Secondary
Malik, Ved 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Brown, Caleb 45:00.00 Traditional Learning Academy Onl
O'Loughnane, John 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Norden, Anthony 45:00.00 Stratford Hall
Lawrence, Nathan 45:00.00 Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Radhakrishnan, Naren 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
REMILLARD, Pascal 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Lee, MinJae 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Wong, Maxwell 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Lummack, Elias 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
ABDULRAHEEM, AIMAN 45:00.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Wong, Ethan 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Wolff, Logan 45:00.00 Carson Graham Secondary
Sangara, Kayden 45:00.00 West Point Grey Academy
Kwok, Kevin 45:00.00 Sentinel Secondary
Su, Philip 45:00.00 University Hill Secondary
Greenberg, Justin 45:00.00 John Oliver
Yang, William 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Crouch, Emmett 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Greyell, Adam 45:00.00 Collingwood School
Lui, Graham 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Polizzi, Jett 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Claro, Ephraim 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Piesik, Kamil 45:00.00 Killarney Secondary
Leander Bergmann, Till 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Fok, Justin 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Trebilcock, James 45:00.00 West Point Grey Academy
Tveit-Borgenstrom, Quinn 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
WACKER, Ollie 45:00.00 St John's School
Fa, Bryan 45:00.00 St George's School
Waugh, Ashby 45:00.00 West Vancouver
Lovison, Nicholas 45:00.00 Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Wesenberg, Leighton 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Jessop, Jordan 45:00.00 West Vancouver
Suleman, Kayam 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Lipnitskiy, Ivan 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Matisz, Eliot 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
WANG, Jeffery 45:00.00 Vancouver College Prep
Rainboth, Nicholas 45:00.00 Fraser Academy
Jacobse, Linden 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
CHEUNG, ISAAC 45:00.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
rose, owen 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Galvez Gonzales, Guillermo 45:00.00 Carson Graham Secondary
Chan, Asher 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Dela Cruz, Jerich 45:00.00 John Oliver
Duess, Harrison 45:00.00 Brockton Preparatory School
St. Louis, Jerome 45:00.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Bhalloo, Noah 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Panopio, Giovanni 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Vandenberg, Gerard 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Tsang, Jacob 45:00.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Lee, Jedidiah 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Luo, Rozzi 45:00.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Goold, Theodore 45:00.00 Point Grey Secondary
Yiu, Grant 45:00.00 St George's School
Liao, Ziheng 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Wang, Chenrui 45:00.00 West Vancouver
Herberg, Leonard 45:00.00 Kitsilano Secondary
Yang, Richard 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Hobbs, Riley 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Plomp, Jordan 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Liu, Ziqian 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Dario, Isaac 45:00.00 Vancouver College Prep
Campbell House, Pearce 45:00.00 Fraser Academy
Morin, Olivier 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Hamy, Faik 45:00.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Simonsen, Daniel 45:00.00 Carson Graham Secondary
Bennett, Kai 45:00.00 Brockton Preparatory School
Choi, Sean 45:00.00 Mulgrave School
Viegas, Neel 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Lam, Michael 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Jang, Nickolas 45:00.00 Vancouver College Prep
Mallari, Nash 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Xiang Huang, Hao 45:00.00 West Point Grey Academy
INKSTER, Andy 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
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Girls 4000 Meter Run 289 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huang, Akemi Magee Secondary
McCleery, Eva Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Wang, Joy Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Fong, Katy West Vancouver
Yang, Amy Mulgrave School
Roberts, Joni Elphinstone Secondary
Tsai, Brielle Crofton House
Scali, Victoria West Vancouver
Yang, Constance Mulgrave School
Humphrey, Audrey West Point Grey Academy
SAMUDIO LIANG, EMMA Eric Hamber Secondary
Li, Nancy Crofton House
Collins, Anna Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Chapman, Blythe Handsworth Secondary
Brown, Nia Argyle Secondary
LALARI, Sienna West Point Grey Academy
Bellemlih martinez, Alya St Thomas Aquinas
Schulz, Tanner Don Ross Middle School
Tierney, Ella Little Flower Academy
Garg, Sohana West Point Grey Academy
Hollingshead, Hana Templeton Secondary
Tee, Sydney Crofton House
Giroux, Madeleine Handsworth Secondary
O'Connell, Violet York House School
Barton, Alice Crofton House
Hall, Anna Carson Graham Secondary
Kadkhoda, Jazmine West Point Grey Academy
Stark, Jayden Elphinstone Secondary
Baker, Quinn Lions Gate Christian Academy
Noblesse, Erell John Oliver
Mindell, Lily York House School
Salari, Inaya Mulgrave School
Achterberg, Ella Chatelech Secondary
Stewardson, Rose Little Flower Academy
Schramm, Heidi Crofton House
Olsen, Tess Rockridge Secondary
Botnari, Sohia Collingwood School
Walker, Keil Argyle Secondary
Postal, Annajane Whistler Secondary
Roberts, Juliette Little Flower Academy
Giovanni, Sophia Crofton House
Remillard, Sienna Handsworth Secondary
Wagner, Ayma York House School
Belova, Vanessa Britannia Community Secondary
POON, Madison Crofton House
Barraclough, Violet Vancouver Technical Secondary
Scott, Holly Carson Graham Secondary
Li, Sophie Mulgrave School
Liu, Nicole Magee Secondary
Mills, Adria Sutherland Secondary
UZOZIE, Chioma York House School
Pratt, Addison Elphinstone Secondary
Gadd, Natalie Crofton House
Rozon, Kate Kitsilano Secondary
Green, Ava Mulgrave School
Armstrong, Ella West Point Grey Academy
YOUNG, DELLA Eric Hamber Secondary
Liu, Jiadi Crofton House
Martin Barrera, Regina Handsworth Secondary
Rubio, Amelie Argyle Secondary
CAMPBELL, Samantha West Point Grey Academy
Sylvester, Audrey St Thomas Aquinas
MacGillivray, Kate Don Ross Middle School
Watson, Stella West Point Grey Academy
Mauboutes-Santos, Ava Templeton Secondary
Alev, Maya Crofton House
Goodman, Emi Handsworth Secondary
Guise, Georgia York House School
Gill-Hao, Carmanah Crofton House
Hortas, Mar Carson Graham Secondary
Sung, Danika West Point Grey Academy
McLeod, Madison Elphinstone Secondary
Fullerton, Olivia Lions Gate Christian Academy
Momtaz, Farangis John Oliver
Gordon, India Mulgrave School
Craig, Isla Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Jackson, Talus Chatelech Secondary
Su, Charlene Crofton House
Stanimir, Erin Rockridge Secondary
Xu, Jeaneen Cousteau School
D'Hotman De Villiers, Carina Collingwood School
Sangha, Natalie Handsworth Secondary
Hungle, Kelsey Argyle Secondary
Ye, Zoe Stratford Hall
WITTSTOCK, Olivai West Point Grey Academy
Gan, Natalie Little Flower Academy
CRAWFORD, HANA Eric Hamber Secondary
Khare, Avani Crofton House
Wilkinson, Jemma Britannia Community Secondary
Andersen, Scotia Crofton House
Howlett, Charlie Vancouver Technical Secondary
Hale, Cedar Sentinel Secondary
Noury, Majidah Mulgrave School
Lakdawala, Amatullah Magee Secondary
Bjorksten, Fien Sutherland Secondary
Elsheikh, Salma West Point Grey Academy
Laurin-Andrews, Stella Elphinstone Secondary
Harsimrat) Purewal, Simi Crofton House
Fangfei) Gu, Annie Mulgrave School
Brezai, Adelisa Little Flower Academy
Liu, Shirui Crofton House
Smith, Maria Argyle Secondary
Yong, Hyunseo St Thomas Aquinas
Reid, Gabrielle Don Ross Middle School
Gibson, Sadie Argyle Secondary
Montague, Kate West Point Grey Academy
Miki, Natalia Templeton Secondary
Higashi, Moka Whistler Secondary
Deng, Victoria Crofton House
Jimenez Matos, Ia Handsworth Secondary
McFerran, Noelle York House School
Hariton, Sasha Handsworth Secondary
Sanchez, Claudia Carson Graham Secondary
Yen, Kara Magee Secondary
Wilson Tyabji, Caelynn Elphinstone Secondary
Mitchell, Presley Lions Gate Christian Academy
Hudson, Addison West Vancouver
Morse, Aislin York House School
Lin, Eleanor Mulgrave School
Enga, Acesea Elphinstone Secondary
Hudec, Stella Chatelech Secondary
Szeto, Victoria Crofton House
Lee, Chloe Rockridge Secondary
Nairne, Portia West Vancouver
Crane, Paloma Collingwood School
Beaupre, Jamie Mulgrave School
Lavin, Lola West Point Grey Academy
Marie Atienza, Hainah Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Sookaveiff, Rachael Handsworth Secondary
Brecher, Connie Argyle Secondary
SHEN, Amy West Point Grey Academy
Martin, Peyton St Thomas Aquinas
Frantz, Clara Don Ross Middle School
Hong, Tara Little Flower Academy
MANOUKIAN, ELENI Eric Hamber Secondary
Leung, Zooey Crofton House
Szucs, Elisse West Point Grey Academy
Carranza, Yoalli Templeton Secondary
Choi, Jenny Crofton House
Nikolaisen, Annika Sentinel Secondary
Chan, Christelle York House School
Misola, Violet Sutherland Secondary
Jia, Rachel West Point Grey Academy
Clarke, Isla Elphinstone Secondary
Hlukh, Kristine Lions Gate Christian Academy
Xing, Olivia Crofton House
Armstrong, Jaime York House School
Yee Li, Chi Mulgrave School
Storey, Brynn Chatelech Secondary
Hidayat, Joann Little Flower Academy
Qian, Emily Crofton House
Crowther, Jayce Kitsilano Secondary
Norman-Thiessen, Ellington Collingwood School
Sorochan, Eliana St Thomas Aquinas
Quinn, Adele Argyle Secondary
Hertz, Maggie Whistler Secondary
Faulds, Avery Little Flower Academy
Gill, Mayva Crofton House
Raga Prats, Olivia Handsworth Secondary
May) Sang, Yuan York House School
Hegarty, Kate Crofton House
Urbano, Carlota Carson Graham Secondary
Rourke, Kate 16:01.90 Kitsilano Secondary
Lang, Charlotte 16:02.90 York House School
Albertson, Taya 16:22.09 Coast Mountain Academy
WATSON, Aleen 16:49.30 Lord Byng Secondary
Molyneux, Maja 16:57.10 Point Grey Secondary
Rahim, Elsa 17:05.50 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Kavanagh William, Isabella 17:15.20 Howe Sound Secondary
Hetherington, Maelle 17:23.90 Coast Mountain Academy
Cunliffe, Jamie 17:29.00 West Vancouver
Fitzpatrick, Ciel 17:34.00 Rockridge Secondary
Robertson, Chase 17:43.40 Lions Gate Christian Academy
Van Vliet, Reegan 17:49.50 Kitsilano Secondary
Ferone, Milena 17:50.10 Templeton Secondary
Wong, Owen 18:00.90 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Smit, Chloe 18:10.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Finlayson, Rose 18:15.00 West Point Grey Academy
Anderson, Ava 18:16.90 West Point Grey Academy
Thomson-Whike, Margot 18:18.90 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Sauve, Kayla 18:19.00 Windsor Secondary
Dixon, Isla 18:21.00 West Point Grey Academy
Lindner, Gabriela 18:23.50 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Grant, Ella 18:24.30 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Thompson, Lily 18:33.00 Collingwood School
McHugh, Ellie 18:38.80 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Louie, Rebecca 18:42.80 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Lam, Annalise 18:49.00 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Lu, Audrey 18:57.00 University Hill Secondary
Chapman, Briar 19:01.20 Windermere Community Secondary
Kovacic Chan, Tiva 19:08.60 Windermere Community Secondary
Khodabandehlou, Sarina 19:15.00 West Vancouver
Boyd, Chloe 19:19.20 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Gruber, Jenna 19:27.40 West Vancouver
Hallisey, Laura 19:30.00 Whistler Secondary
Maloney-MacNab, Julia 19:37.00 Templeton Secondary
Armstrong, Riley 19:40.00 Mulgrave School
Edmonds, Cleo 19:40.00 Mulgrave School
Neville, Cameron 19:42.80 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Chapman, Teagan 19:43.60 Windermere Community Secondary
Imrie, Kristina 19:45.00 Point Grey Secondary
Ferris, Ever 19:45.70 Kitsilano Secondary
Christians, Nola 19:50.00 Templeton Secondary
Graham, Madeline 19:51.50 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Kuan, Kayley 19:54.00 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
THREAPLETON, Olivia 19:56.40 Handsworth Secondary
Reimer, Gwyneth 19:59.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Chuah, Jocelyn 20:07.00 York House School
Li, Kai Yee 20:12.00 West Point Grey Academy
Edgett, Alyssa 20:16.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Smith, Hollis 20:16.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Skalski, Lily-Rose 20:18.60 West Vancouver
Reimer, Adah 20:22.00 Magee Secondary
Carey, Serena 20:22.30 Kitsilano Secondary
Venditti, Sofia 20:23.60 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Ho, Leah 20:25.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Voshage, Lucie 20:29.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
CLEGG, Jenaya 20:30.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Napier-Shannon, Bella 20:33.50 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Tiamo, Mireya 20:34.20 Kitsilano Secondary
Wong, Kara 20:35.00 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Fitzpatrick, Vaya 20:37.00 Rockridge Secondary
Lynn, Kalyna 20:38.50 Prince of Wales Secondary
Lehman, Sara 20:41.20 Prince of Wales Secondary
Sinkewicz, Claire 20:43.50 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Lee, Rachel 20:44.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Dodds Lema, Yzabella 20:48.00 Handsworth Secondary
Mix, Neko 20:48.30 Templeton Secondary
Wennert, Stephanie 20:53.18 Lord Byng Secondary
Neufeld, Ava 20:58.00 West Vancouver
Wah Chi, Mun 21:01.30 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Vuilleumier, Amandine 21:02.30 University Hill Secondary
Imertziadis, Elina 21:02.60 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
HARVEY, NARA 21:08.80 Eric Hamber Secondary
Park, Sylvia 21:12.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Simpson, Abby 21:22.00 Coast Mountain Academy
Eyre, Leighton 21:24.00 Crofton House
Mayer, Laura 21:35.00 Windsor Secondary
Zhang, Lisa 21:35.80 University Hill Secondary
Meadows, Tilda 21:36.90 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
LeBourveau, Isla 21:38.70 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Tam, Kaylin 21:40.00 Windermere Community Secondary
Kemper, Charli 21:48.30 Lord Byng Secondary
Williams, Luisa 21:51.90 Lord Byng Secondary
Balma, Emily 21:53.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Walker, Lydia 22:04.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Ito, Gabby 22:04.00 West Point Grey Academy
McCurly, Audrey 22:07.60 Lord Byng Secondary
Jacobs-Wang, Samantha 22:09.50 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Slawson, Isabelle 22:12.00 Windermere Community Secondary
VARVARUSIS, Sophie 22:25.80 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Ly, Leanne 22:38.10 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Chung, Sophia 23:00.40 Vancouver Technical Secondary
West Rivera, Kathy 23:05.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Wagner, Annie 23:05.00 West Point Grey Academy
Kush, Barsha 23:07.50 Kitsilano Secondary
Yip, Kaitlyn 23:13.60 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Mosby, Charlotte 23:15.40 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Shao, Annie 23:18.70 Point Grey Secondary
Xu, Carolina 23:29.10 David Thompson Secondary (Vancou
Trotman, Elle 23:33.00 West Point Grey Academy
Taylor, Lia 23:41.00 Crofton House
Yip, Christy 23:55.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Murdoch-Cherrie, Nora 24:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Bahrimirad, Helena 24:16.00 Handsworth Secondary
Liu, AJ 24:24.20 Eric Hamber Secondary
Hirji, Kiara 24:30.00 Handsworth Secondary
Berry, Ev 24:36.40 Kitsilano Secondary
Walker, Natasha 24:36.90 Templeton Secondary
Mahboubi, Carmel 24:49.00 Windsor Secondary
Vines, Zetta 24:52.80 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Hodgkins, Sofia 25:14.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Cummings, Adele 25:17.00 Kitsilano Secondary
Rafiq, Maya 25:27.60 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Qin, Sophie 25:45.00 York House School
Yung, Audrey 25:52.00 Little Flower Academy
Cui, Grace 26:11.70 Lord Byng Secondary
Srirenkar, Hemisha 26:33.60 Templeton Secondary
Jeeta, Grace 26:35.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Martland, Leila 26:43.00 Fraser Academy
Lee, Kaitlyn 27:09.60 Eric Hamber Secondary
Hsieh, Miranda 27:11.40 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Forer, Noelle 27:11.60 Lord Byng Secondary
Lan, Caroline 27:44.80 Prince of Wales Secondary
Rouge, Julia 28:06.90 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Lin, Zi-Mi 28:53.70 Eric Hamber Secondary
Korzeniowski, Isabel 29:35.10 Vancouver Technical Secondary
MacIsaac, Simone 29:35.70 Vancouver Technical Secondary
He, Betty 31:49.90 Point Grey Secondary
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 209 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Padolina, Bianca Britannia Community Secondary
Zhang, Serena Magee Secondary
Rothfelder, Madison Sutherland Secondary
Balchen, Julia Handsworth Secondary
Orth, Kayla Sutherland Secondary
Anderson, Ella Sutherland Secondary
Kuralt, Victoria Elphinstone Secondary
Bjorksten, Teija Sutherland Secondary
Xing, Shirley Crofton House
Forrest, Freya Sutherland Secondary
Hu, Amy Magee Secondary
POTTER, Natasha Sutherland Secondary
Sevcikova, Karolina Sutherland Secondary
van der Giessen, Katie John Oliver
O'Brien, Rory Sutherland Secondary
Low, Alexis Mulgrave School
Gosselin, Delphine 17:47.30 Kitsilano Secondary
Goodison, Clare 18:30.60 Windermere Community Secondary
Symon, Chloe 18:38.40 Lord Byng Secondary
Lynn, Kalyna 19:14.10 Prince of Wales Secondary
Cormack, Maggie 19:19.90 Handsworth Secondary
Milau, Rachel 19:30.60 West Point Grey Academy
Roberts, Tess 19:34.90 Prince of Wales Secondary
Portfleet, Ona 19:42.30 Britannia Community Secondary
Fatovic-Spurr, Livia 19:44.00 Killarney Secondary
Hemstead, Brooke 19:44.00 Handsworth Secondary
Comeau, Elia 19:49.30 Handsworth Secondary
Kamara, Kefira 19:53.90 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Bourbonnais, Echo 20:04.00 West Point Grey Academy
Finlayson, Lucy 20:07.80 West Point Grey Academy
Neill, Mary 20:19.10 West Point Grey Academy
Roberts, Cadelle 20:37.70 West Point Grey Academy
Keay, Sloan 20:37.70 West Point Grey Academy
Forsyth, Ruby 20:46.40 York House School
Hardy, Rachel 20:48.10 West Point Grey Academy
Jones, Edie 20:54.40 Kitsilano Secondary
Hageleit, Izzy 20:56.40 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Young, Cassandra 21:01.30 Handsworth Secondary
Roberts, Margot 21:01.70 Prince of Wales Secondary
Rawlyk, Madeleine 21:06.70 West Vancouver
Eyre, Alexandra 21:19.50 West Point Grey Academy
Scott, Eliot 21:21.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Horlick, Abby 21:21.20 West Vancouver
Brown, Kayley 21:24.00 Handsworth Secondary
Bourbonnais, Willow 21:34.00 West Point Grey Academy
Dawe, Sophie 21:37.50 West Point Grey Academy
Jaakkola, Sara 21:38.00 Seycove Secondary Community
GRDINA, Eva 21:45.00 Mulgrave School
Coleman, Ruby 21:51.40 Windsor Secondary
Cervantes-Briseno, Sofia 21:53.70 Point Grey Secondary
Sajjan, Jeevut 21:57.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Kovacic Chan, Taya 21:57.70 Windermere Community Secondary
Shadforth, Mikayla 22:00.50 St John's School
White, Isabella 22:04.30 Windsor Secondary
Woolfenden, Juju 22:12.30 West Point Grey Academy
Campbell, Coco 22:12.50 West Point Grey Academy
BARRABLE, Maria 22:27.50 Fraser Academy
Howard, Lily 22:36.40 West Point Grey Academy
Allvin, Agnes 22:38.00 West Point Grey Academy
Ho, Kaia 22:55.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Johnston, Megan 22:57.10 Vancouver Technical Secondary
KESHTKARAN, Nahal 23:13.00 West Vancouver
Pimstone, Mila 23:31.90 West Point Grey Academy
Torrance, Allison 23:44.30 Point Grey Secondary
Rainer, Leta 24:03.00 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Grierson, Lila 24:04.00 Argyle Secondary
Gardner, Lia 24:04.30 Killarney Secondary
McDonnell, Kate Elizabeth 24:08.80 Gladstone Secondary
Kriebel, Willa-Marie 24:21.00 West Point Grey Academy
Ferradini, Anaik 24:22.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Schramm, Naomi 24:26.40 Fraser Academy
Leckie, Nova 24:30.20 West Point Grey Academy
Fischer-Credo, Clara 24:30.30 West Point Grey Academy
HASSON, Gabrielle 24:39.00 West Point Grey Academy
Sandesh, Sihi 24:45.00 West Point Grey Academy
Lorence, Marley 24:54.00 Collingwood School
Graham, Flora 24:55.40 Britannia Community Secondary
Ekeland, Elisa 25:01.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Frid, Neve 25:05.00 Handsworth Secondary
Skinder, Abigail 25:12.20 Magee Secondary
Flynn, Amy 25:15.00 West Point Grey Academy
Tham, Abigail 25:22.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
KELLY, Isabella 25:22.80 Vancouver Christian
Holmes, Magda 25:25.40 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Fullerton, Arora 25:34.99 Prince of Wales Secondary
Silva, Valentina 25:35.00 Point Grey Secondary
Wood, Sabrina 25:37.70 West Point Grey Academy
Wotton, Mya 25:49.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Abou Alborghol, Lara 25:55.60 Britannia Community Secondary
TEE, Emily 26:00.00 Crofton House
Norman-Thiessen, Tosca 26:07.00 Collingwood School
Malik, Uma 26:18.80 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
FITZGERALD, Keira 26:23.00 Argyle Secondary
Swatton, Soji 26:28.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Mugaruka, Lisette 26:30.00 Ecole Secondaire Jules-Verne
Chow, Alexis 26:37.00 St John's School
RIGBY, Ella 27:15.32 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Awad, Saije 27:28.00 Windsor Secondary
Nakuda, Frankie 27:44.90 West Point Grey Academy
Chow, Ashleigh 28:37.70 Vancouver Christian
Stephanson, Maya 28:41.60 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Lo, Janelle 28:49.00 Little Flower Academy
Trung, Emily 29:07.30 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Iwankow, Elsie 29:12.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Chan, Helga 29:38.70 Point Grey Secondary
Wu, Stephanie 29:39.80 Crofton House
Ridgley, Nicola 30:37.00 Windsor Secondary
Anne Lastica, May 30:42.40 Eric Hamber Secondary
Duriez, Camille 30:45.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Chong, Kaitlyn 30:54.80 Eric Hamber Secondary
DICKENS, Elizabeth 31:20.86 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Dixon-O'Brien, Olivia 31:55.50 Gladstone Secondary
Chong, Karen 33:49.50 Killarney Secondary
Peterson, Willow 34:09.35 Eric Hamber Secondary
Tsokye, Tsepyel 39:29.20 John Oliver
Dickie, Claire 45:00.00 Carson Graham Secondary
Ambrozic, Robyn 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Mukai, Soma 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Lennon, Eilidh 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Sim, Emily 45:00.00 Crofton House
Chen, Dorothy 45:00.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Li, Joy 45:00.00 Point Grey Secondary
Chan, Caitlyn 45:00.00 York House School
Tran, Arielle 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Li, Bridgit 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Weichert, Greta 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Malit, Jelleen 45:00.00 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Mueller, Magalie 45:00.00 Whistler Secondary
Brezai, Ariana 45:00.00 Little Flower Academy
Gadbois Schuett, Charlotte 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Brecher, Rowan 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Tediosi, Benedetta 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Yip, Christy 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Truong, Sadie 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Harris-Irvine, Brydon 45:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Hua, Emily 45:00.00 York House School
Salbashian, Maral 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Wright, Addison 45:00.00 Collingwood School
LEONG, Hannah 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Hardie, Madeleine 45:00.00 St John's School
Mak, Jordan 45:00.00 Fraser Academy
Harrop, Norah 45:00.00 Crofton House
Mulligan, Samantha 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Franke, Natalie 45:00.00 Crofton House
Cusini, Elena 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Craw, Emily 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Maubacq Gouiran, Diane 45:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Chamberlain, Evie 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Radic, Ana 45:00.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Leung, Kayla 45:00.00 Point Grey Secondary
Guo, Yu Han 45:00.00 York House School
Chan, Naomi 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Molnar, Julia 45:00.00 York House School
Quan, Cara 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Moffatt, Leah 45:00.00 Little Flower Academy
Garraway, Lizzie 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Lan, Caroline 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Gavray, Alice 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
ZHOU, Angela 45:00.00 Crofton House
Clement, Myka 45:00.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Wong, Ainsley 45:00.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Paris, Miriam 45:00.00 Crofton House
Saragpon, Beatrice 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Couture, Zoe 45:00.00 Collingwood School
See, Caitlin 45:00.00 Eric Hamber Secondary
Prince, Kiera 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Beck, Lilli 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Gordon, Jesika 45:00.00 Crofton House
Mascheri, Lorena 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Kersten, Kaia 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Muffang, Luisa 45:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Chan, Persephanie 45:00.00 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Cheung, Oceania 45:00.00 Killarney Secondary
Ng, Tiffany 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Lehman, Sara 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Von Trebra, Carina 45:00.00 Lord Byng Secondary
Steele, Isabella 45:00.00 York House School
Gravistin, Olivia 45:00.00 York House School
Simonyi-Gindele, Abigail 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Wang, Ann 45:00.00 West Point Grey Academy
Dee, Angeline 45:00.00 Little Flower Academy
Kimber, Abigail 45:00.00 Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Cardle, Fiona 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
BILODEAU VAN BLOKLAND, Sophie 45:00.00 St John's School
Prislin, Carlotta 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Bhura, Ava 45:00.00 Crofton House
Kersten, Tula 45:00.00 Prince of Wales Secondary
Jiang, Heidi 45:00.00 Britannia Community Secondary
Runzer, Julia 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Qin, Chu Han 45:00.00 York House School
Ritchie, Tova 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Segelken, Anna 45:00.00 Templeton Secondary
Smerchanski, Lucy 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
Fisse, Josephine 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Wilkins, Aurea 45:00.00 Crofton House
Stoeckmann, Martha 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Sunarto, Adina 45:00.00 Windsor Secondary
Johannsen, Alexandra 45:00.00 Vancouver Technical Secondary
Del Piccolo, Olivia 45:00.00 Handsworth Secondary
Adang, Kaya 45:00.00 York House School
Ann, Sophia 45:00.00 Vancouver Christian
Murphy, Fiona 45:00.00 Notre Dame Regional Secondary
Richmond-Pierpoint, Iris 45:00.00 Collingwood School
Kieswetter, Savannah 45:00.00 St Thomas Aquinas
Garlappi, Emi 45:00.00 St John's School
BRUCE, Evelyn 45:00.00 Fraser Academy
Tone-Unsworth, Cinnamon 45:00.00 Howe Sound Secondary
Cheng, Avery 45:00.00 Crofton House
Rodig, Olivia 45:00.00 Argyle Secondary
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