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Coaches - with the season starting up, we wanted to help provide some clarity about how to claim admin access for teams. For roster management and entry purposes, coaches must claim team accounts. Please follow the instructions below, but of course if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email Registration@MileSplit.com and/or Support@MileSplit.com.
Claiming Your Team
Step 1:
Go to your home MileSplit - address is your "province abbreviation".milesplit.com - ex: http://bc.milesplit.com (for British Columbia), http://pa.milesplit.com (for Pennsylvania). If you already have a userID and password from your MileSplit province, skip to Step 3. If you do not, then you must first do Step 2.

Step 2:
In the header on the right, it will say "login." You will be able to login or sign up. Do one or the other.
Step 3:
Please note you may be on the national portal - www.milesplit.com. There are no teams on the national portal, so if you do not see Teams on the nav bar - you will need to switch to your home state to find your team. Make sure you are on BC.MileSplit.com. Once you are on your individual province page, you will see a nav bar that includes Teams. Click on "Teams" in the toolbar and locate your team.
Click on your team name and once on that page, look beneath the team title and then click the button that says "Claim Team."

Step 5:
Click either Coach or Team Administrator, but not both. Each has the same access to your team roster and online meet registration.
Click on the "submit" button at the bottom of that page. You should add your team position in the text box, and any other information you believe we will need to quickly verify you are a coach. A school email address is also a very good indicator we use.
Wait for a confirmation email from MileSplit saying that you are approved to be a Team Coach or Team Admin. Most requests are approved within several hours. If you have not received the email within 12 hours, please check your junk or spam folders for the email. If you have questions, please feel free to contact, MileSplit Online Registration support, please email registration@milesplit.com.