In the vibrant history of British Columbia's running community, "Gunner" Shaw stands as a figure whose legacy continues to resonate long after his untimely passing in 1984 at the age of 39. Remembered with admiration, Gunner Shaw's enduring impact finds homage in the Gunner Shaw Memorial XC Race - the conclusion to the BC Athletics Lower Mainland XC Series.
This year, against the backdrop of Jericho Beach, the Gunner Shaw Memorial XC Race once again captivated runners and spectators alike with the course encompassing grassy paths, winding trails, hills, and sandy stretches. Athletes either competed in the Gunner Shaw 10km Run or the Silver Fox 5km.
Let's get into some of the top finishes.
Men's 10km
Yemane Mulugeta - 32:53
Nathan Dehghan - 33:59
Marcus Ribi - 34:06
Women's 10km
Kalie McCrystal - 39:45
Aisling O'Shea - 42:12
Genevieve Cauffope - 42:39
Men's 5km
James Hodgson - 16:20
Steven Brittain - 16:40
Benjamin Smith - 16:59
Women's 5km
Maella Hodgson - 18:28
Olivia Willett - 18:38
Rachel McDonald - 18:53